Getting around the various menus and items within the UI is generally straightforward.

However, designing the UI around a joypad does lead to a few quirks. This is also used when making in-depth tactical changes in a game and having to hold, select and then release takes some getting used to but it works and is the logical way to work around the lack of a mouse for input. Holding down X and using the left thumbstick, you choose what you want to do and then, for certain options, the D-pad is used to move things around. The first UI tweak becomes apparent when working here and you’ll meet your new best friend, the radial options menu. It gives you the chance to get the nuts and bolts of how Football Manager works on the pitch without having all the additional micro-management that surrounds the full-fat version. It’s great to see that tactics here will translate if you decide to play the fuller version on PC or are playing on both platforms just because you can. Ah the 3D match engine, how I love and loathe thee in equal measure